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Liana KartvelishviliLasha KurdashviliAriam KhetsurianiBondo Panchvidze
The significance of natural environment in tourism industry


Georgia′s tourism sector has a great potential.In last period, the development of regional tourism industry has become especially topical. For the development of regional tourism it is necessary to define the marketing strategy of the country, through which the market opportunities of this or that field are revealed.

The economic impact of tourism, it′s impact on the principles of sustainable development in the social and natural environment, necessitates the deeping of studies on the state of tourism and development perspectives, which allows to solve complex problems related to the survival of the local population, protection of natural resources and cultural heritage. Sustainable tourism helps to eliminate obstacles such as disagreement over the goals of protecting the natural environment and ensuring the development of the local population′s economy.

Climate is a very important factor for travelers all around the world and because of that, it has a powerful impact on tourism development. However, due to climate changes, it's unknown if tourism will be still useful in a few years.

In conclusion, It is beyond human possibilities to control climate, so they should control tourism instead. Tourism should adjust to active processes on earth, like climate.